PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Department of Community Development has added two planners to its lineup.
Department Director Sheila Roark Miller introduced Long Range Planning Manager Kevin LoPiccolo and Senior Planner Dennis Lefevre to county commissioners Tuesday.
LoPiccolo comes from Canyon County, Idaho, where he worked as director of development services from 2010 to 2013. Prior to that, he was a city planner in Park City, Utah.
“I look forward to working here,” LoPiccolo said.
Lefevre was Sequim’s planning director for more than eight years before resigning in October 2010 after he and City Manager Steve Burkett agreed to a mutual disassociation.
Lefevre replaces former Senior Planner Carol Creasey, who transferred to the Clallam County Environmental Health division.
Area background
Roark Miller said Lefevre has “good background with our area” and knows comprehensive plans and the Carlsborg Urban Growth Area.
“I recognize all your faces, and I’m sure you recognize my face,” Lefevre told the three commissioners.
“I’m looking forward to working with the long-range planning staff and being a member of your team.”
In addition to his other duties, Community Development Deputy Director and Planning Manager Steve Gray has inherited the responsibilities of Permit Center manager.
Gray, the department’s second-in-command, has absorbed the work of former Permit Center Manager Tom Shindler, who transferred to Information Technology.
While LoPiccolo will do the “heavy lifting” in long-range planning, Gray said he will continue to provide oversight of long-range planning, natural resources planning and growth management functions.
Shindler helped build the county’s GIS, or geographic information system, and will continue to provide data to Community Development and other county departments through his role in IT, Roark Miller said.
‘A win-win’
“It’s a win-win for everybody,” she said.
Roark Miller, the nation’s only elected community development director, took office in January 2011 and opened the Permit Center six months later.
The center was designed to streamline the development review process by consolidating the department’s current planning and building divisions.
The Permit Center can be accessed online through the county website, www.clallam.net.
Roark Miller said Gray’s management and long-range planning experience will add “a tremendous value to the Permit Center.”
“I think the public will see maybe a stronger Permit Center with Steve’s managing background,” Roark Miller said.
Community Development has 18 full-time equivalent, or FTE, employees.
There were 25 FTEs in the department three years ago, mirroring a countywide reduction in staff.
Reporter Rob Ollikainen can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 5072, or at rollikainen@peninsuladailynews.com.