PORT ANGELES – One of three people arrested in a March vandalism and arson spree at the Port Angeles High School pleaded guilty to four of five counts against him and was sentenced on Wednesday.
Nathan Wayne Terry, 18, was sentenced in Clallam County Superior Court to 22 months in prison.
He pleaded guilty to second degree burglary, malicious mischief in the first and the second degrees and third degree theft.
A charge of second degree arson was dropped as part of a plea agreement.
The 22-month sentence is the maximum that Clallam County Superior Court Judge George Wood could impose.
Two others arrested in the vandalism, 18-year old Chris Brogan and a 14-year old boy, both of Port Angeles, are awaiting trial.
The estimated cost of repairs to the school, as picked up by school’s insurance provider, has exceeded $500,000, said Gary Cohn, Port Angeles School District superintendent, on Wednesday.
Even nearly three months after the damage, the school district and its insurance company are still finding repairs that need to be made, he said.
The damage figure is expected to increase, he said, because the replacement equipment and labor costs are not included.
“What we don’t know is whether it will cross $600,000 or $700,000,” Cohn said.