PORT ANGELES — Police advised residents of a west Port Angeles neighborhood Thursday night to stay indoors and lock their windows while officers hunted a wanted man reported to be carrying a .38-caliber pistol and a stun gun.
The subject of the hunt, identified as Gary Reyes, 32, was met by an off-duty 9-1-1 dispatcher driving home for the evening at about 6 p.m. at 14th and N streets, said Port Angeles Police Deputy Chief Terry Gallagher.
“As far as we know he’s loose in the neighborhood somewhere,” he said at about 8:45 p.m.
At about 9:13 p.m. the search was shut down.
Gallagher said the truck Reyes apparently abandoned was impounded.
“That’s all we know at the moment,” Gallagher said.
Residents in the neighborhood began receiving “reverse 9-1-1” calls after the search had been abandoned.
The calls are automated calls to specific neighborhoods capable of delivering pre-recorded, 30-second messages warning them of danger.