SEQUIM — The final four candidates for Sequim’s top job — men chosen from an applicant pool of about 100 — are to be interviewed and interviewed again, taken on one-hour tours of the town and scrutinized by the public.
The finalists for Sequim city manager are:
– Steven Burkett, the former manager of cities including Shoreline, Wash., Fort Collins, Colo., and Tallahassee, Fla., now a partner in a consulting firm that works with local governments;
– Mark Gervasi, the city manager of Tillamook, Ore., the coastal town of 4,430 famous for its cheese factory;
– Subir Mukerjee, who resigned last month after five years as deputy city manager of Olympia, when he was told his job would be restructured as part of layoffs projected for next January;
-Vernon Stoner, the former manager of Lacey and Vancouver, Wash., a former deputy CEO of Sound Transit, and most recently chief deputy to Washington state Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler.
Following the three panel interviews, each candidate will take a spin around Sequim with a city staffer, and then the four will appear together at an hour-long public reception at 5:30 p.m. in the Transit Center, 190 W. Cedar St. All Sequim residents are encouraged to come and talk with the finalists.