PORT ANGELES – This Lion was seeing red at the Red Lion.
The hotel wouldn’t accept Sid Roemer’s Canadian cash, he said.
It wasn’t a big deal – it could have been an enormous deal, thousands of dollars conventioneers would spend in Port Angeles.
The hotel’s manager said at the end of the four-day misunderstanding that the convention will go ahead as planned.
Here’s what happened:
Roemer, district governor of 55 Lions Clubs on the North Olympic Peninsula and Vancouver Island, visited Port Angeles on Monday to book 75 rooms for a convention next April.
After he finished negotiations with the hotel, he tried to buy a snack there with a Canadian $5 bill.
The desk clerk said she’d check with the accountant, who wasn’t sure of the exchange rate between Canadian and American dollars, according to hotel manager Dennis Williams.
The answer Roemer received, however, was, “We don’t take Canadian money.”
The clerk was wrong.