PORT TOWNSEND — Most who voted at a town meeting last week support additional taxes to fund the town’s comprehensive plan.
What they do not support is altering the comprehensive plan.
“The question now is if that a true measure of what the community as a whole is thinking,” said City Manager David Timmons.
About 200 people listened, talked and voted electronically at Thursday’s meeting in the McCurdy Pavilion. It was the second of three town meetings.
At the first meeting, residents discussed how to maintain Port Townsend’s small town character.
Thursday’s meeting concerned how to pay for what residents want. The third meeting will concern housing and jobs.
Final results on Thursday’s voting were released Friday.
Eighty-three percent said they want to seek new or expanded sources of revenue rather than eliminating or reducing service levels.
Seventy-one percent said a special levy should be established to support the Port Townsend Library.
Fifty-four percent said the city should consider a library bond measure, and 70 percent said the city should establish a special parks district.
Seventy-three percent said the city should investigate the establishment of a car tab fee, and use the revenue for city streets.