PORT ANGELES – U.S. Rep. Norm Dicks is trying to convince Al Gore to run for president.
U.S. Sen. Patty Murray says she’s too busy legislating health insurance reforms to worry about presidential politics.
The two federal legislators, though, say a year-round rescue tug belongs at Neah Bay, although they differ over proposed hikes in fees at Olympic National Park.
Both Washington Democrats talked with editors and a reporter at the Peninsula Daily News Port Angeles offices on Tuesday after they ceremonially opened the new VA Clinic in Port Angeles.
Dicks, D-Belfair, and Murray, D-Freeland, are buoyed by their party’s takeover of Congress but are exasperated by President Bush’s threats to veto their favorite bills.
Those include funds to inspect, seal and track containers bound for U.S. ports (Murray) and money to help the Forest Service reduce the danger of wildfires (Dicks).
Other topics and Dicks’ and Murray’s comments on them: