PORT ANGELES — The Clallam Conservation District is accepting pre-orders for its native plant sale through Jan. 24.
The district conducts the sale annually, saying it aims to provide affordable native species for wildlife habitat enhancement and environmentally friendly landscaping.
Bare-root tree and shrub seedlings are available in bundles of 10 and 25 for $16 to $30 per bundle.
Native pollinator seed packets are available as well.
Conifer seedlings include Douglas fir, grand fir, shore pine, Sitka spruce, western hemlock and western red cedar.
Deciduous tree seedlings include big leaf maple, Pacific crab apple, red alder, Rocky Mountain maple and vine maple.
Deciduous shrub seedlings are available. They are blue elderberry, Indian plum, mock orange, Nootka rose, oceanspray, Oregon grape tall, Pacific ninebark, red elderberry, red flowering currant, red osier dogwood, serviceberry, snowberry, thimbleberry and twinberry.
Plants will be available for pickup March 2 at the Lazy J Tree Farm, 225 Gehrke Road.
Orders can be placed at the district’s office, 228 W. First St., Suite H, or by calling 360-775-3747, ext. 5.
The office is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Thursdays.
Orders can also be placed online at www. clallamcd.org/plant-sale, or the order form can be printed and mailed.