PORT ANGELES – Damage from a driftwood log has closed the dock at the Ediz Hook boat launch until further notice.
The damage happened just as the City Council was set to consider the second reading of an ordinance establishing boat launch fees for the dock at its next meeting.
That meeting will begin at for 6 p.m. Tuesday in the council chambers at City Hall, 321 E. Fifth St.
The damage occurred after a floating log settled under the dock.
A low tide positioned the log in such a way that it lifted the dock and severely twisted the structure, said city spokeswoman Teresa Pierce.
The damage was noticed on Thursday morning by a city maintenance employee, she said.
No estimate of the amount of damage was ready on Thursday afternoon.
“We’ll have to see how much damage was done,” Pierce said.
“We won’t put it back into use until the dock is completely safe.
“We can’t tell if it can be fixed in place or if we must pull the whole thing out.”
The City Council at its July 3 meeting had the first reading of a proposed ordinance that would establish boat launch fees at the dock.
The two-lane boat launching area on Ediz Hook has 412 feet of floating dock.
The city took it over from the Port of Port Angeles in 1995 but never has charged a launch fee.
The proposed ordinance set the boat launch fees at $8.50 per day and $28.75 for an annual pass, with no 50 percent surcharge for non-city residents.
The city’s parks and recreation advisory commission had recommended city residents pay a $5 per day and $25 for an annual pass while people from out of town should pay $7.50 per day and $37.50 for an annual pass.
City Public Works Director Glenn Cutler told the City Council at its July 3 meeting that the city is seeking a $145,000 state grant, including a $55,000 city match, to replace the pilings at the boat launch.
Pierce said it’s not known yet how the damage might affect pursuit of that grant.