NAVAL MAGAZINE INDIAN ISLAND — Naval Magazine Indian Island will conduct a security training exercise Thursday.
The exercise is similar to drills the Navy conducted Aug. 29, Sept. 5, Sept. 12, Sept. 19, Oct. 3 and Oct. 10.
It will take place on the water outside of the ammunition pier’s port security barrier and outside of the installation’s main gate.
Installation personnel and residents living in the communities surrounding Indian Island could notice increased activity on the water near the pier.
Training activities will include harbor security boats on the water, the use of blank ammunition, an object in the water within the exercise area, loud sirens and bright blue flashing lights.
Additional security personnel will be present around the main gate for a training scenario, during which time there will be loud noises to include yelling, whistles and sirens.
The Navy asked that passersby remain clear of the training areas for the duration of the exercise.
The drill area outside of the main gate will be marked by signage and the blue line demarcating federal property, which is restricted to public access.
Safety observers wearing blue vests also will be present for the duration of the exercise.