PORT ANGELES — Ronald Craig, a Wenatchee teacher, will take over as full-time director of the North Olympic Skills Center on Aug. 1.
He replaces Cindy Crumb, who has served for two years as interim director of the center at 905 W. Ninth St. in Port Angeles.
Crumb will retain her half-time principal role at Lincoln High School and return to her former position of half-time career technical education director at Port Angeles High School.
“Our skills center partners, including Crescent, Port Angeles, Quillayute Valley and Sequim school districts, plus Peninsula College representation, took part in the interview process,” said Jane Pryne, superintendent of Port Angeles schools, who announced the hiring on behalf of the consortium.
Craig has taught computer technology at the Wenatchee Valley Technical Skills Center for the past 11 years while serving as assistant director.
He has taught computer hardware, operating systems, networking, graphical design, software design, robotics and Web page design.
He also managed the information technology needs of the Wenatchee center and served as its director in the absence of its full-time director.
Craig received a master’s degree in education administration last year from Western Governors University.
He earned a bachelor’s in liberal arts and humanities from Western Washington University in 1989 and teaching certification from Central Washington University in 1997.