FORKS — Peninsula College’s future Forks campus will be open for a sneak peak during and after a trustees’ meeting Tuesday afternoon.
The Peninsula College board will meet for its monthly gathering at 2 p.m. in the new college facilities at 481 S. Forks Ave.
The meeting will be followed by a 4 p.m. “sneak peak” of the building’s remodeled look, and a reception with refreshments.
Essential construction on the building are nearly complete, and only detail work remains to prepare office space and classrooms, said Phyllis Van Holland, spokeswoman for Peninsula College.
Once a Bank of America branch that was closed in 2012, the renovated West End campus building replaces classrooms at 71 S. Forks Ave.
The new building has a learning center and five classrooms, including a classroom for arts and sciences that has sinks and cupboards for lab projects, Van Holland said.
The current Forks campus building has the same number of rooms, but the rooms are smaller and there is no lab classroom, she said.
Students are expected to begin taking classes in the new campus classrooms when the fall semester begins in September.
A grand opening celebration will be held in the fall to mark the official opening of the new site.
The college purchased the building from Bank of America in July 2013 and budgeted $2 million for the purchase and renovations.
Peninsula College received $1,307,114 in grant funding in June 2013 from the state Department of Commerce to pay for energy efficiency upgrades at the new Forks site.
McKinstry of Seattle/ESCO and Energy Performance Contracting won contracts to work on the project.
Reporter Arwyn Rice can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 5070, or at