SEQUIM — City leaders are considering a new City Hall building in Carrie Blake Park that would centralize municipal operations in an area that’s fast becoming the center of Sequim.
A map has been prepared showing the impact of a 30,000-square-foot building and associated parking and road infrastructure in the northeast corner of the park.
City estimates show a need for about 20,000 square feet of space, but the current idea allows some room for other governmental agencies to locate office space there as well.
“That’s the preferred site right now,” said City Manager Bill Elliott.
“We already own the property . . . and it’s really a great site for it.
“When you pull out a map and look at where the center of the city is going to be, it’s pretty close to it.”
Several options
City leaders have been looking at several options to consolidate a number of departments under one roof.
Currently, city administration, planning and public works offices are stuffed into two aging buildings on West Cedar Street next door to an unusable former fire hall.
One of those buildings, of course, is the red schoolhouse building, which has some historical value. The others have “outlived their useful life,” said City Councilman Paul McHugh.
The Police Department works out of leased space in a shopping center on West Washington Street.
The Carrie Blake/City Hall idea is far from being a formal proposal, and there will be a lot more study and discussion before it reaches that stage.
But City Council members have looked favorably upon the suggestion so far.