PORT ANGELES — Clallam Transit is raising the price of a monthly bus pass next week.
The cost of an adult base pass, which is used for getting around a given city, will go from $27 per month to $36 per month Sunday. An adult premium pass — used for getting from one city to the next — will go from $36 per month to $54 per month.
Cash fares will remain the same.
Budget shortfall
Transit officials have said the new fare structure will help cover a $250,000 shortfall in the $7.3 million 2012 operating budget.
The public agency’s governing board approved the changes Oct. 17.
One of the goals of the new fare structure was to simplify the pass system for riders.
The youth, senior and disabled base pass was folded into a one-size-fits-all $18 “discount” pass. A premium discount pass will be $36 per month.
People who ride the bus more than 18 times per month will get a better deal if they buy a pass. A person who rides the bus fewer than 18 times per month will save money with a daily pass.
Daily passes cost $1 to get around a city and $1.50 for longer trips.
Cash fares were raised in July 2010.
The last time Clallam Transit raised the price of a monthly bus pass was in 1997.
Other changes in the fare structure include:
■ Eliminate paratransit fare ticket books.
■ Implement location-based pricing for paratransit trips.
■ Charge paratransit riders $1.50 per mile to travel more than three-fourths of a mile off a fixed route.
The charge will rise to $3 per mile in 2013 and be reevaluated for 2014.
■ Eliminate pro-rated bus pass sales to government entities and agencies.
Agencies that issue more than 20 passes per month will process their own vouchers and pay within 30 days. Agencies that issue fewer than 20 passes per month will pay in advance.
■ Reduce the 10 percent commission for bus pass outlets to 5 percent.
For more information on the changes, visit www.clallamtransit.com.
Reporter Rob Ollikainen can be reached at 360-417-3537 or at rob.ollikainen@peninsuladailynews.com.