FORKS — West End communities were in the dark earlier today during an emergency electrical power outage from 12:01 a.m. to 6 a.m.
The outage was to allow the Bonneville Power Administration to replace a power line structure that was at immediate risk of failing, said Mike Howe, spokesman for the Clallam County Public Utility District, on Tuesday.
The outage was set for PUD customers in the Forks area, Jefferson County south of Forks, Sekiu, Clallam Bay, Neah Bay, Beaver, Sappho, Pysht, Fairholm, parts of East Beach and Barnes Point.
For more information, call 888-402-0663 or 360-452-9771.
PA schools meet
PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles School Board will consider several policies and hear an update on Lincoln High School when it meets Thursday.
The board will meet in regular session at 7 p.m. at Lincoln High, 924 W. Ninth St. The meeting will be preceded by a work session on policy training from 5 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
It will consider policies on bullying, sexual harassment, guidance and counseling, and service animals in schools.
Lincoln High Principal Cindy Crumb will present a PowerPoint presentation on Lincoln High.
Teen Leaders awards given to 10 pupils
PORT TOWNSEND — Nine teens were awarded the Thomas J. Majhan Teen Leaders Award for their service in 2015 by the Port Townsend Kiwanis Club at the 13th annual award ceremony and reception.
A special award was also given to a 10-year-old for her volunteer work.
The ceremony at the Port Townsend Elks Club, 555 Otto St., was established in 2004 to recognize local teens for outstanding leadership and community service excellence for the prior year.
Students are nominated by organizations and members of the public.
The award is named for the late Honorable Thomas J. Majhan, a former Superior and District Court judge.
The 2015 recipients were:
■ Katie Bailey of Quilcene, daughter of Lorie and Scott Bailey; nominated by Gary Stebbins and Joni Crowell, Quilcene School District.
■ Reilly Berkshire of Port Townsend, daughter of Julie Knott and Paul Berkshire; nominated by Bill Kush, retired director of the Jefferson County Family YMCA.
■ Lane Dotson of Port Ludlow, son of Leanne and Darrin Dotson; nominated by Amy Crandall, AIC Photography.
■ Olivia Ejde of Chimacum, daughter of Maggie and Chris Ejde; nominated by Linda Kostenbader, East Jefferson Rotary Interact Club.
■ Samuel Meier of Port Townsend, son of Karmen Meier and Eveleen Muehlethaler; nominated by Cher West-Allbright, Jefferson County Soccer Club.
■ Noah Morningstar of Port Townsend, son of Christina Whipple and David Philips; nominated by Denise Winter, Key City Public Theatre.
■ Deidra Morris of Nordland, daughter of Lori and Bliss Morris; nominated by Alysia Yingling, East Jefferson Little League.
■ Patrick Morton of Port Townsend, son of Catherine Morton; nominated by Lois Sherwood and Kim Hammers, Port Townsend Rotary Interact Club.
■ Jack Pickard of Port Townsend, son of Janet Clemont and Jeff Pickard; nominated by Shirley Moss, Port Townsend Food Bank.
■ David Su’a of Port Townsend, son of Fia Kay Su’a; nominated by Rene Olson, Port Townsend High School certified teacher, and Brian Kienle, Olympic Peninsula Young Life.
In addition this year, a special award was presented to a 10-year-old, Lynelle Gudrun Welch, daughter of Laura and Ben Welch of Port Townsend, who was nominated by Shirley Moss for her three years of volunteering at the food bank.
The keynote speaker this year was Keith Harper, Superior County judge and a longtime colleague of Majhan, in whose name the awards are presented.
Teens annually selected for the award must be residents of Jefferson County between the ages of 14 and 18 and nominated by a community member for a combination of outstanding leadership and community service excellence.
For more information, phone Melanie Bozak at 360-531-1329 or email
Kiwanis gift
PORT ANGELES — First Step Family Support Center recently accepted a $500 donation from the Kiwanis Club of Port Angeles.
“We know that your organization provides tremendous support to young families for the benefit of children and their parents,” wrote Barbara Wilson, Kiwanis treasurer.
The Kiwanis mission is to help the children of Port Angeles and the world, according to a news release.
First Step provides social support, advocacy and education to hundreds of families in Clallam County each year through a broad spectrum of programs to serve families’ needs as they grow and thrive.
“We are eager to help parents understand their crucial roles and help them be successful in them,” said Nita Lynn, First Step’s executive director.
For more information about First Step, available programs, upcoming events and how to donate, visit or phone 360-457-8355.
Nonprofit donation
PORT ANGELES — Doug Whatton of the Whatton Family Foundation recently donated $2,000 to First Step Family Support Center.
First Step hopes to purchase up to 700 books to be given to families throughout Clallam County through various programs for children ages 0-5 so children can have books of their own, according to a news release.
According to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children and Families, children from impoverished families hear 30 million fewer total words than the child of a more affluent family.
This is known as the “word gap” and can lead to disparities not just in vocabulary size but also in school readiness, long-term educational and health outcomes, earnings and family stability, according to the release.
With the donation, First Step hopes to make closing the “word gap” a reality, the release said.
For more information about available programs, making donations and current events, visit or phone 360-457-8355.
AAUW PT sponsors Career Day
PORT TOWNSEND — Presenters from the professional, paraprofessional and business communities described their jobs to 180 eighth-grade students from Port Townsend, Chimacum, Quilcene and Brinnon public schools during two recent Career Day sessions sponsored by AAUW Port Townsend.
The Career Day sessions, designed to inform and expand students’ thinking about career options, focused on what various jobs are like and what it takes to prepare for them.
The various presenters shared their first-hand perspectives on the nature of their work, recounted real-life experiences and described the education and training needed to build a successful career.
The students chose which sessions they wanted to attend and posed questions to the presenters; several requested private meetings after the event for career consultations.
In addition to hosting annual Career Days, AAUW Port Townsend and its affiliate, the University Women’s Foundation of Jefferson County, promote education and equity through various scholarships and awards, and elementary school projects in math and literacy.
For more information, visit or phone Anne Englander at 360-390-5896.
Dean’s list
PRESCOTT, Ariz. — Port Angeles High School Class of 2015 graduate Lukas Saskowsky recently made the fall 2015 dean’s list at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.
He also secured an internship with Positron Dynamics.
To be on the dean’s list, students must have an overall cumulative semester GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Saskowsky is the son of Tim Saskowsky and Birgit Andrews, both of Port Angeles.
ECHHO award
PORT TOWNSEND — Ecumenical Christian Helping Hands Organization (ECHHO) has been awarded a 2015 STAR Award for Merit by the National Volunteer Transportation Center.
The STAR Awards recognize outstanding volunteer transportation programs and are made annually through a competitive application process.
Executive Director Ken Dane said, “ECHHO’s volunteer corps has been a steady resource in the community and it is really gratifying to see their selfless — and sometimes tireless — efforts recognized.”
ECHHO is a nonprofit organization that works with volunteers and community organizations to provide transportation, chores, social support and medical equipment services to Jefferson County residents to help them continue to live independently.
For additional information, phone 360-379-3246.
Girl of the Quarter
PORT ANGELES — Jessica Peters, 17, has been selected as the Jet Set Soroptimists’ Girl of the Quarter.
Peters attends Lincoln High School and will graduate in June.
She plans on attending Peninsula College to pursue a career in nursing.
As an art student, Peters worked on the mural hanging in the school district office and most recently worked on a door for the Habitat for Humanity auction.
Dean’s list honoree
PORT ANGELES — Anthony D. Elstrom of Port Angeles was named to the Columbia College dean’s list in Columbia, Mo., for the October-December 2015 and January-March 2016 sessions.
To be named to the dean’s list, a student must have completed 12 semester hours in a 16-week period and achieved a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4-point scale.
Elstrom completed his courses online.
Craft group meets in PA
PORT ANGELES — First Presbyterian Church, 139 W. Eighth St., will host a free craft afternoon from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday.
Bring a project to work on, teach or just watch. All are welcome. For more information, phone Gail McDonald at 360-477-8601 or email
Dean’s list honoree
MILWAUKEE , Wis. — Audra Perizzo of Port Angeles has been named to the dean’s list for the fall 2015 semester at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wis.
Perizzo is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in nursing.