PORT TOWNSEND — PT Indivisible will host Colleen Bryan, Kitsap and Olympic Peninsula director for U.S. Sen. Patty Murray, for a 5 p.m. presentation today.
Bryan will cover the status of election information after the primaries and for the mid-terms during her presentation at the Unity Center, 3918 San Juan Ave. The public is welcome.
Bryan will also provide updates on the work Murray (D-Seattle) is focusing on at this time.
For more information, call 805-312-6547.
ODT update
FORKS — The public is invited to hear Olympic Discovery Trail news during an open house set for 5:30 p.m. Wednesday.
Attendees can also meet the Peninsula Trails Coalition board during the event at the Rainforest Arts Center at 35 N. Forks Ave.
For more information, call 360-640-0494 or visit www.olympicdiscoverytail.org.
Science fair
SEQUIM — The Sequim 2018 Science Fair Club’s Washington State Science & Engineering Fair winners and the 2018 Sequim High School Robotics Team will speak during Sequim Science Cafe’s event today at 6 p.m.
The public is invited to the event at Paradise Restaurant, 703 N. Sequim Ave.
Those interested should arrive early as seating is limited, event organizers said.
The robotics team will be joined by its FIRST Robotics Competition robot.
According to a press release, the event is meant for the audience to ” … learn from the promising Sequim students who have already identified their passions for science and technology.”
Park and rec
SEQUIM — The Clallam County Park and Recreation District No. 1 Board of Commissioners will convene for a meeting to approve construction invoices Thursday.
The board will meet 4 p.m. at the Sequim YMCA at 610 N. Sequim Ave.
CU president’s list
CAMPBELLSVILLE, Ky. — Port Angeles native Nicholas Evan Johnston was named to Campbellsville University’s spring 2018 president’s list.
To qualify, a student must achieve a 4.0 grade-point average while enrolled in a 12 hour minimum of course load work.