Presentation on English crop circles set Friday
PORT ANGELES — Crop circles in England will be discussed by Mark Schrader during a presentation in the Raymond Carver Room at the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., at 7 p.m. Friday.
Schrader has made five summertime visits to the United Kingdom to experience crop circle phenomena.
Friday’s presentation will include aerial and ground photos of the mysterious crop circles, which some ascribe to UFOs and others to hoaxsters.
This event is free and open to the public.
For more information, phone Schrader at 360-452-6240 or 360-301-1244, or email
Carrier landings
COUPEVILLE — There will be field carrier landing practice operations for aircraft stationed at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island at the outlying field in Coupeville late Monday night, plus Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.
Comments, including noise complaints, can be directed to station’s comment line at 360-257-6665 or via email at
All other questions can be directed to the public affairs office at 360-257-2286.
Deadline nears for Strait Sale
JOYCE — The seventh annual Great Strait Sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 13.
A flier with map and sale ads, both in print and online at, will be published to guide buyers to the sales.
The flier will be available in advance online and distributed at community sale sites the day of the event.
The cost of listing a sale or fundraiser in the flier is $10.
The deadline to submit an ad for the flier is Monday.
To sign up for a Great Strait Sale listing in the flier or for other questions, email Sande Balch at
Senior nutrition
PORT ANGELES — Port Angeles Senior Nutrition Site dinners will be served at 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday at the Port Angeles Senior Center, 328 E. Seventh St.
A suggested donation is $5 for those who are 60 or older.
People younger than 60 can attend for $8.
Reservations should be made 24 hours in advance to 360-457-8921.
Menus are subject to change.
■ Tuesday: Carrot salad, chicken a la king, steamed rice, baked tomato and strawberry shortcake.
■ Wednesday: Coleslaw, pulled pork sandwich, applesauce and peach cobbler.
■ Thursday: Pea salad, macaroni and cheese with ham, broccoli and cauliflower, and watermelon.
■ Friday: Spring greens, applesauce, baked ham, sweet potatoes, mixed veggies and sherbet.
Drum circle set Tuesday at college
PORT ANGELES — The Peninsula Community Drum Circle will be held at the Peninsula College Longhouse, 502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday.
The event is free and open to the public.
Experienced or beginning drummers are welcome. Bring a drum, rattles or other percussion.
Drum circles are held the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Phone Penny Burdick at 360-461-4538, email or visit
Freethinkers meet
SEQUIM — The monthly meeting of the Juan de Fuca Freethinkers will be held at the Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave., on Wednesday.
Socializing begins at 6:30 p.m., and the movie starts at 7 p.m.
The group is featuring speakers, films and books that look to science for answers to some universal questions and issues, such as how people’s brains work.
The meeting is free and open to the public.
For more information, phone 360-683-5648.
Community dinner
SEQUIM — A free community dinner will be served at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave., at 6 p.m. Thursday.
The meal includes baked ham, baked beans, coleslaw, desserts and beverages.
Reservations, which are requested to ensure that enough food is prepared, may be made by phoning the church at 360-683-5367 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before the dinner, or by email to
The church presents the dinners the last Thursday of each month.
Wasp, hornet talk
PORT ANGELES — Washington State University Clallam County Master Gardener Laurel Moulton will present information on the benefits wasps and hornets bring to the garden and the environment at noon Thursday.
She will present at the “Green Thumb Garden Tips” brown-bag educational series in the commissioners’ meeting room at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St.
The talk will cover identification and habits of common members of the Vespid family (“true wasps”), how they relate to other bees and how gardeners benefit from the activities of these insects.
WSU-recommended techniques for trapping and managing nuisance hornet and wasp colonies also will be covered.
Moulton has been a Master Gardener since 2006 and has taught basic entomology and other topics for Master Gardeners for three years.
She has a master’s degree in horticulture with a minor in entomology from Oregon State University.
Moulton has worked as a botanist, a restorer of native plant communities and a farmhand. She worked for the Clallam County Noxious Weed Program and WSU Clallam County Master Gardener Program before recently joining the Elwha River revegetation project.
Those attending her lecture can bring a lunch.
For more information, phone 360-417-2279.
Free health checks
Both the Port Angeles and Sequim Lions Clubs will offer free health screenings Friday and Saturday with their mobile unit.
The Port Angeles screening will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the parking lot of Swain’s General Store, 602 E. First St.
The Sequim screening will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Safeway parking lot, 680 W. Washington St.
Attendees can be checked for glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure and sight and hearing loss.
Screenings are open to all. No appointment is necessary.
For information on the Port Angeles screening, phone Irma Stennes at 360-417-6862.
For information on the Sequim screening, phone George Dooley at 360-452-2185.
Fundraising sale
PORT LUDLOW — The Community Enrichment Alliance’s used-book and media sale will be held at the Beach Club, 121 Marina View Drive, on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Early birds can shop from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. for a fee of $5.
From 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., shoppers can fill a provided bag for $4.
The sale will include books, CDs, DVDs, puzzles and board games.
All proceeds from the sale will benefit the alliance’s scholarship fund for Chimacum High School.
Boaters seminar
PORT TOWNSEND — The 38th Wooden Boat Festival weekend kicks off Thursday, Sept. 4, with an opportunity to spend the day with Steve Callahan and Lin and Larry Pardey.
Callahan, survivor, author of Adrift: 76 Days Lost at Sea and technical director for the “Life of Pi” movie, joins the Pardeys, noted sailors and authors, for a full day of classes.
This one-day seminar is meant to inspire, educate and engage participants through the lives, stories and combined experience of these boaters.
Callahan starts out the day with his “Aquatic Caveman” presentation at 9:30 a.m., followed by the Pardeys presenting “Storm Tactics.”
In the afternoon, both Callahan and the Pardeys will share “The Adventures That Shaped Our Lives.”
The day will wrap up with a round-table discussion and Q&A session with all three presenters, led by Practical Sailor’s Darrell Nicholson.
A whole-day session from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. is $95.
The morning session (9:30 a.m. to noon) is $50, and the afternoon session (1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.) is $60.
For more information or to register, visit
Volunteers sought for county boards and committees
PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Board of Commissioners is seeking volunteers for advisory boards and committees. Specific categories are noted where applicable:
■ Animal Issues Advisory Committee (5): A representative of District III (West End), Friends of Forks Animals; a veterinarian; and an at-large member.
■ Boundary Review Board (2): A city representative and a special districts representative.
■ Carlsborg Community Advisory Council (2): Resident of a manufactured/mobile home park community within the Carlsborg urban growth area; business or real property owner within the Carlsborg Village Center.
■ Disabilities Advisory Committee (5) and Homelessness Task Force (8): A representative of: health care providers, faith community, business community, homeless or formerly homeless (two openings), law and justice system; at-large; and an advocate for youth issues.
■ Tax Advisory Committee (2): Representing collector of the tax and potential user of fund.
■ Resource Committee (3): At-large position, representative of the marine trades and a representative of Commissioner District III (West End).
■ Fund Board (2): A representative from Commissioner II (Port Angeles) and Commissioner District III (West End).
■ Housing Authority (1).
■ Regional Support Network (2): The community mental health program funded by the state through Medicaid and state-only dollars covers Kitsap, Clallam and Jefferson counties, with monthly meetings in the Port Townsend area.
The advisory board is composed of five community volunteers from each county, and by contract, at least 51 percent of the members have to be consumers of mental health services and/or family members.
Two of the last three vacancies will need to be filled by family members or consumers.
For an application and additional information, phone 800-525-5637 or 360-337-4604, or email
Additional information can be found at
■ Citizens Advisory Committee (1): Representative of unincorporated area surrounding Forks.
■ Advisory Committee (10): Representatives in the following categories: Sequim-area trails advocacy group, Port Angeles-area trails advocacy group, Western-area trails advocacy group, Straits-area trails advocacy group, Olympic National Park, Department of Natural Resources, large private forest company, city of Port Angeles, city of Sequim, off-road motorized user groups.
Detailed descriptions of the boards or committees can be found at
Interested citizens are invited to contact the Clallam County commissioners’ office at 360-417-2233; visit the office in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St.; or obtain an application online at
Current members with expiring terms are asked to provide a written statement by facsimile (360-417-2493), mail (223 E. Fourth St., Suite 4, Port Angeles, WA 98362) or email (
Applications must be received by close of business Sept. 5.
Grief-support group
SEQUIM — Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County will offer a five-week grief-support group series in Sequim beginning Sept. 8 and concluding Oct. 6.
The group meets from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. each Monday at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave.
The program is free and open to the public. Registration is required, as group size is limited.
To register, phone the hospice office at 360-452-1511.
Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County provides free services to terminally ill patients and their families.
To learn more about the hospice, phone the office or visit
SmileMobile coming
PORT ANGELES — The SmileMobile, a modern dental office on wheels, will be based at Jefferson Elementary School, 218 E. 12th St., from Sept. 8-12 to provide dental care to Port Angeles children who have limited access to care.
Appointments are available for new clients as well as follow-up visits for children from previous SmileMobile visits.
Any families interested in the SmileMobile program should arrange an appointment for their children as soon as possible by phoning 888-286-9105.
Medicaid (ProviderOne) is accepted, and a sliding fee scale based on family income is available.
SmileMobile is operated by the Washington Dental Service Foundation in partnership with Seattle Children’s Hospital
Anyone interested in helping SmileMobile staff with on-site registration can email
Sequim Pre-3 enrollment open now
SEQUIM — Sequim Pre-3 is enrolling for the fall quarter.
Fall classes start Tuesday, Sept. 9, and Friday, Sept. 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Sequim Worship Center, 640 N. Sequim Ave., next to the library.
Orientation days will be held Thursday, Sept. 4, and Wednesday, Sept. 17, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the worship center.
Sequim Pre-3 Co-op is a nonprofit early learning program for parents and children. Parents come weekly with their children (ages 10 months to 3½ years) for a variety of activities that focus on music, art, social interactions and dramatic and outdoor play.
For more information, phone Sonja Ralph at 360-504-1011 or visit
Sale seeks vendors
PORT ANGELES — Mount Pleasant Grange is sponsoring a Community Flea Market and Yard Sale, to be held Saturday, Sept. 13, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
This fifth annual fundraiser for the maintenance of the community hall will be held at the hall, 2432 Mount Pleasant Road.
Inside table space and outdoor tailgate space are available for rent.
The vendor fee is $10 for each 2.5-foot-by-8-foot table inside the hall.
The cost to tailgate in 10-foot-by-20-foot outdoor space is $10 per space.
For more information or to have a registration form mailed, phone Dick Storch at 360-670-9035 or email
Sailing races set
SEQUIM — The Sequim Bay Yacht Club will sponsor its 22nd annual Reach for Hospice at John Wayne Marina, 2577 W. Sequim Bay Road, on Saturday, Sept. 13.
Participating boat captains will meet at noon, with the first race to start at 1 p.m.
A celebratory potluck and awards ceremony will follow at 5 p.m.
Sailing races on the bay are preceded by fundraising to benefit Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County.
In addition to recognizing the race winners and top fundraisers, the first Mickey McGuffin Sportsmanship award will be presented.
Sailors wishing to race can register by emailing Alan Clark at
For the potluck, RSVP to Judy Shanks at
Community members wishing to make a donation can send checks payable to Volunteer Hospice to 540 E. Eighth St., Port Angeles, WA 98362, with the notation “Reach for Hospice campaign.”
Contributions are tax-deductible.
Arts volunteers
PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center is looking for volunteers who “think art cuts across racial, cultural, social, educational and economic barriers, and enhances cultural appreciation and awareness,” according to a news release.
Participants can join a board of volunteers to provide art to the community and visitors through the center and its adjoining Webster’s Woods Art Outside.
This year, the center is providing an art experience for both artists and art lovers in its second annual Paint the Peninsula.
For more information about the center and how to volunteer, visit or phone Betsy Robins at 360-457-4610.
Sewing essay contest
PORT ANGELES — During the Clallam County Fair, the Clothing and Textile Advisors announced the winners of the 2014 “Why I Want My Own Sewing Machine” essay contest.
Zoie Harris, 10, was selected as the first-place winner of a Singer Touch & Sew II.
Zoie has been hand-sewing for a year and attended sewing camp in July. She wrote that she is excited to finally learn how to use a machine.
Due to a medical condition, Zoie has to wear a back brace. She wants to create clothes that will work with her brace and to make matching clothing for her American Girl Doll.
Sterling Rowland, 7, was runner-up in the essay contest.
Sterling has been sewing for a year in the 4-H sewing project and also attended sewing camp.
He is very excited to have his own machine, a Brother, and plans to use the machine to sew pillows, a quilt and “anything else I like.”
Strait Stamp Show
SEQUIM — More than 150 stamp collectors and other visitors from the local area, Alaska, Montana and Victoria attended the 21st annual Strait Stamp Show at the Masonic Lodge recently.
Seven stamp dealers were on hand to buy, sell and appraise stamps, postal covers and other philatelic items.
In addition to the dealers, there was a table for young and old to dig for treasure among thousands of stamps for a penny each.
Twelve exhibitors displayed frames on a wide variety of topics related to stamp collecting.
The winning exhibits were judged according to the following: Most Educational by Bea Vogel of Polson, Mont., for her exhibit on spiders; Most Unusual by Anne Harris of Medical Lake for “A Day in the Life of the Frog”; and Most Attractive by Julie Tarbuck of Sequim for fashions and costumes.
Ailicia Pairadee of Sequim’s guess of 1,400 was closest to the 1,389 number of stamps in a jar.
The Sequim postmaster was on hand to apply the special cancel designed specifically for the show.
For those who missed getting the special cancel, they can obtain one from the Sequim postmaster by providing their own stamped envelope.
First Step grant
PORT ANGELES — First Step Family Support Center has been awarded $8,000 from Children’s Trust Foundation of Seattle.
The foundation has awarded a total of $80,000 in grants to 10 community-based family support centers focused on child-abuse prevention in Washington state.
“First Step is very honored to have received this grant, as it will allow us to continue the work we do on behalf of the families and children of Clallam County,” said Nita Lynn, First Step’s executive director.
“Children’s Trust Foundation granted First Step these funds based on our reputation and ongoing relationship, so this grant is a vote of confidence from this wonderful organization.”
Since 1984, Children’s Trust Foundation of Seattle has distributed more than $1.4 million to child-abuse prevention programs.
The foundation and Children’s Home Society of Washington announced June 3 the formation of a new foundation focused on supporting programs and services that serve thousands of children and families across Washington state.
The new entity will be called the Children’s Home Society & Trust Foundation.
First Step, a United Way partner agency, serves primarily low-income adults and children.
Since 1972, First Step has provided support and education services to thousands of local Clallam County families as part of the agency mission to promote the healthy development of children and families.
For more information about First Step, phone 360-457-8355 or visit
For more information about Children’s Home Society & Trust Foundation, phone 206-695-3200 or visit