SEQUIM — The deadline is April 17 to buy an engraved commemorative brick paver for the community plaza at the Sequim Civic Center now under construction.
The deadline is to ensure they will be included in the initial installation of the plaza. The project is expected to be completed by the middle of this year.
Each 7.5-square-inch brick costs $100. They can be engraved with three lines with up to 13 characters per line. They will be installed on the floor of the $466,982 plaza.
The $14.5 million civic center replaces the 1973 City Hall at 152 W. Cedar St.
To purchase a brick paver, visit the city administration office at 226 N. Sequim Ave. on Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For more information, contact City Clerk Karen Kuznek-Reese at 360-681-3428 or send an email to
Anglers group
PORT TOWNSEND — The East Jefferson chapter of Puget Sound Anglers will host its next meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the port commissioners’ office, 333 Benedict St.
The speaker will be John Beath, noted angler and fishing gear manufacturer from Sequim.
Refreshments will be served, and the public is welcome.
Free legal advice on Saturday
PORT TOWNSEND — Clallam-Jefferson County Pro Bono Lawyers will present the quarterly Jefferson County Free Legal Clinic at the Port Townsend Community Center, 620 Tyler St., from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday.
This event is a free drop-in legal advice clinic for members of the public.
Attorney volunteers will be available to answer legal questions, to direct people to local services that might be able to assist them and to explain the legal process to them.
Volunteers will answer questions regarding family law, tenant/landlord, public assistance, estate, bankruptcy, employment and creditor issues.
For more information, phone Executive Director Shauna Rogers at 360-504-2422 or email
Health care for veterans
PORT TOWNSEND — Options for health care in Jefferson County will be presented to veterans at a free gathering from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. today.
Veterans Healthcare and Assistance in Jefferson County will be at Fort Worden Commons. A Discover Pass is not required, and a light lunch will be provided.
The event will provide veterans with connections to medical services, said Rita Frangione, outreach coordinator for Veterans Community Partnerships.
A series of sessions and panel discussions will include a briefing on the Veterans Choice Program.
Representatives of services will staff tables and offer information about addiction treatment, mental health services, nutrition and caregiver support.
For more information, to RSVP for the event or to arrange transportation, email or call 360-344-4940.
Man overboard
SEATTLE — The Coast Guard has issued a $5,000 fine to a man who intentionally jumped overboard from a state ferry before the vessel left the Bremerton terminal.
The agency said Wednesday that the man suffered “significant injuries” when he jumped off the ferry Kaleetan on March 21.
Ferry crew members in a rescue boat retrieved him. The man was not identified.
Coast Guard spokesman George Degener said he didn’t know why the man jumped but said the agency determined it was intentional.
Chief Warrant Officer Brian Hennessy says ferry crew members are responsible for passenger safety.
He says they had to divert their attention from the safe operation of the ferry to the rescue effort, while still keeping the remaining passengers safe.
Fashion show scheduled Tuesday
PORT ANGELES — A spring fashion show on the second floor of the Port Angeles CrabHouse Restaurant, 221 N. Lincoln St., will be at 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.
The event is hosted by the Port Angeles Christian Women’s Connection.
Special music will be provided by the Stevens Middle School choir.
Nancy Dyck of Surrey, B.C., will speak on “Victorious Journey from Loneliness to Fulfillment.”
Tickets are $16.
For luncheon reservations, phone Billy at 360-452-4343 or Cleo at 360-457-8261.
Adult learning
PORT TOWNSEND — Public enrollment for Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship’s spring Adult Learning Programs is open as of Sunday, April 12.
Special events, workshops, field trips, classes and ongoing groups are offered to the public free of charge from mid-April through June.
There may be charges for field trip entry fees or course materials; donations are welcome.
Most programs take place at the fellowship, located at 2333 San Juan Ave.
All are welcome to attend ALPs events, and child care may be reserved in advance for afternoon and evening programs.
Participants can pick up an ALPs brochure at the fellowship, the Port Townsend and Jefferson County libraries, or the Port Townsend Community Center; or view it online at under “Adult Programs.”
For more information, email Joyce Francis at
Slow-cooker need
PORT ANGELES — Volunteers in Medicine of the Olympics and the Port Angeles Food Bank are seeking slow-cooker donations through the end of this month.
These donations will go toward a class for food bank clients that focuses on chronic disease prevention and slow-cooker skills.
Drop off gently used and working slow cookers to Jessica Hernandez at the food bank, 402 S. Valley St., between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mondays-Fridays.
VIMO and the food bank are also accepting monetary donations for this class.
For more information, phone Zoe Apisdorf, VIMO development coordinator, at 360-457-4431.
Diabetes info talk
SEQUIM — The Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave., will continue its Taking Care of You health and wellness series with a free presentation about diabetes prevention at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
Shirley Calodich of WSU Extension will share information about diabetes and pre-diabetes, ways to prevent or delay the onset of the disease, and lifestyle choices one can make to support his or her health.
For more information, visit and select “Events” and “Sequim” or phone 360-683-1161.
Festival deadline
SEQUIM — The Irrigation Festival Grand Parade deadline for applications is Friday, April 17.
Download an application at
For questions, contact Eileen Cummings at 907-378-1864 or
End-of-class party, potluck set in Sequim
SEQUIM — All are welcome to attend an end-of-class party and potluck for Biblical Hebrew classes at Sequim Calvary Chapel, 91 S. Boyce Road, at 3:30 p.m. Sunday.
Participants will plan ahead for beginner’s winter 2015-16 classes in Sequim and Port Hadlock.
No tuition is required for classes, though donations are welcome.
For more information, phone Elly Stratmann 360-531-4139.
Unity speaker
PORT ANGELES — Unity in the Olympics, 2917 E. Myrtle St., will hold a 10:30 a.m. service Sunday featuring the Niobe Weaver as the guest speaker.
Weaver will present the lesson “The Charism of Speaking in Tongues.”
Child care is available during the service.
A brief time for silent meditation will be held from 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
All are welcome.
Spiritual movies
PORT TOWNSEND — Unity Spiritual Enrichment Center, 3918 San Juan Ave., will screen films that carry spiritual significance and engage in post-viewing discussion from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, April 15
and April 22.
The community at large is welcome and invited to participate.
This Wednesday, “For the Next Seven Generations” will show.
According to a news release: “In 2004, 13 indigenous grandmothers from all four corners, moved by their concern for our planet, came together at a historic gathering, where they decided to form an alliance: the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.”
“The Song of the New Earth” on April 22 profiles the ardent quest of sound healer, psychotherapist and sonic shaman Tom Kenyon to integrate modern science and ancient mysticism through the power of sound.