PORT ANGELES — Minton Sparks, a Southern storyteller in town for this weekend’s Forest Storytelling Festival at Peninsula College, will teach a pre-festival workshop, “Discover Who You Are by Writing Your Story,” at 1 p.m. Friday.
In the two-and-a-half-hour session in Room J47 at the PUB at Peninsula College, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles, Sparks will guide participants in exploring how where they’re from shapes their personal stories.
The cost is $50. The fee is separate from the festival tickets.
The Forest Storytelling Festival will run from Friday through Sunday at the college.
Full-festival packages are available for discounted prices, while single concert and workshop tickets range from free to $50; youngsters age 10 to 18 and Peninsula College students with current activity cards are admitted for half price.
Silent auctions, raffles and food sales go on all weekend too.
For more information, and to register for Friday’s workshop and the festival, see www.clallamstorypeople.org.
Prescribed burn
FORKS — The Pacific Ranger District of the Olympic National Forest has scheduled a controlled burn about 20 miles east of Forks near Forest Road 29, starting today.
The public might see smoke in the air for a few days. National forest service staff members urge drivers in the area to travel with headlights on.
About 2 to 3 acres of slash piles remaining from the Hywah timber sale will be burned.
This unit was previously thinned and burn operations are expected to last one to two days, national forest staff said in a news release.
Burning the slash will “improve forage availability, wildlife habitat and winter range while also reducing fuel loading to lessen wildfire severity in the future,” national forest staff members said.
Career and college fair at high school
PORT ANGELES — The guidance department at Port Angeles High School (PAHS) held its annual Career and College Fair on Sept. 27 in the activities gym.
The fair hosted representatives of colleges and universities, career and technical schools, and military services.
The representatives talked to students about community-based employers and apprenticeship programs, on-the-job training programs, college programs, financial aid and more.
For more information, call the College Success Foundation office at PAHS at 360-565-1590.
Fall harvest concert set
The Grand Olympics Chorus of Sweet Adelines International will hold concerts at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27 and Sunday, Oct. 28.
The Saturday performance will be in Sequim at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 S. Blake Ave.
On Sunday, the show will be in Port Angeles at First Presbyterian Church, 139 W. Eighth St.
The chorus will be joined in Sequim by the Olympic Theatre Arts’ student actors and in Port Angeles by the Port Angeles High School Bella Voce.
A silent auction will be held at each concert and will start at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $15 and are available at Over the Fence, 112 E. Washington St., Sequim; Port Book and News, 104 E. First St., Port Angeles or online from www.brownpapertickets.com.
Proceeds will be used for high school choir programs at Sequim and Port Angeles high schools.
For more information, call Jean McDonald at 360-789-7691 or email jeanrmcdonald@gmail.com.