PORT ANGELES — Clallam County is seeking volunteers to fill vacancies on 17 advisory boards.
County residents may apply by phoning the commissioners’ office at 360-417-2233 or by visiting their office at the county courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St.
Applications also are available at www.clallam.net by clicking on “Boards, Committees and Groups” on the left of the page.
Applications are due Aug. 9.
Openings exist on the Agriculture Commission, Animal Issues Advisory Committee, Boundary Review Board, Building Code Board of Appeals, Chemical Dependency/Mental Health Program Fund Advisory Board and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee.
Also, the Fair Advisory Board, Heritage Advisory Board, Homelessness Task Force, Marine Resource Committee, Noxious Weed Control Board, Park and Recreation Advisory Board, Permit Advisory Board, Public Health Advisory Committee, Sheriff’s Citizens Advisory Committee, Solid Waste Advisory Committee and Trails Advisory Committee.
Current members with expiring terms who seek reappointment are asked to provide a written statement to the commissioners’ office, by email to tholden@co.clallam.wa.us or by fax to 360-417-2493.