PORT ANGELES — After briefly dropping below capacity, then hovering just above capacity, the Clallam County jail is back at more than 20 inmates over capacity, officials said Friday.
“We’re pretty overcrowded right now,” said Wendy Peterson, administrative sergeant for corrections.
“We’ve got them stacked everywhere.”
The 96-capacity jail’s population on Saturday was 120.
High in June, low in August
On June 12, the jail census hit a high with 148 inmates.
Then, on Aug. 16 the population was listed as 98, just two over the limit.
Peterson and Undersheriff Rich Sill blamed the Labor Day weekend for the jump in numbers.
“The long weekend hurt us. It brought the population right back up,” Peterson said.
Long-term measures such as reopening a shuttered wing, increasing participation in electronic home monitoring and starting a day reporting program were credited with bringing the numbers down.
Additionally, short term short term solutions such as booking restrictions and a bail schedule also helped.
“It’s never a quick fix,” Sill said.
“It must be monitored regularly and we’re going to be diligent.”
The jail has been spruced up in recent months. It has been pressure washed and is getting a fresh coat of paint, Sill said.