PORT ANGELES — The average city utility customer could pay an extra $8.42 a month for water and sewer service beginning in January under proposed 2006 rates being considered by the City Council.
The new rates could be adopted at the council’s Dec. 6 meeting following a public hearing that began after 9:30 p.m. at the Nov. 15 meeting.
The proposed increases include $4.67 in the average monthly water bill and $3.75 in the average monthly sewer bill.
The city’s residential water bill is comprised of two parts — the fixed monthly charge based on meter size and the daily consumption charge based on usage.
The average residential water customer using 790 cubic feet of water a month would see a $4.67 monthly increase.
That includes a $2.85 per month increase for a 5/8-inch meter plus an increased consumption charge of 23 cents per 100 cubic feet of water, or about 750 gallons
The average Port Angeles household pays about $22.62 per month for water service, based upon a flat $14.50 monthly charge plus $1.16 per 100 cubic feet of water, or about 750 gallons.
Under the proposed increase, the flat monthly charge would become $17.35 per month and the daily charge would go to $1.39 per 100 cubic feet.
The city’s water rates also will be reviewed annually.