PORT ANGELES — Twenty-one Port Angeles School District administrators have asked the School Board to forgo their incremental raises.
The district “leadership team” made the request in a letter addressed to the board, which the district received on Thursday.
If the board approves the action, it would save the district about $33,768.
“This community is working very hard to change the nature of the economy, and these employees fully recognize this,” said Superintendent Gary Cohn.
Cohn is not included in the group because his contract doesn’t include the incremental raises.
“I am very proud to have them in our organization and I am very moved by their comments,” Cohn said.
“I am also so grateful for the board’s support for these wonderful people.”
The group includes 21 principals, assistant principals and district level staff.
The district did not release the names of the people who would be affected by the action.
The longevity experience increments are 2.4 percent increases in pay, which are based on the number of years an employee has worked for the district.
Teachers’ pay would not be not affected by the offer.
The state Legislature decides what increase teachers should receive, based on the number of years the teacher has been at the district.