Port Angeles: Daishowa will cut jobs but has no closure plans, chamber told

PORT ANGELES -- Daishowa America plans to begin paring its 262-person work force down to 250 within a couple of years. And the job cuts… Continue reading

Port Angeles: Mental hospital recommends “conditional release” for Bruce Rowan

A former Port Angeles doctor who used a baseball bat and ax to bludgeon his wife to death in 1998 is now eligible for "conditional… Continue reading

Port Angeles: Public airing Wednesday on racism accusation

PORT ANGELES -- The first public meeting of the new Community Multicultural Task Force will be held Wednesday. The meeting begins at 4 p.m. and… Continue reading

Port Townsend: City Council to ink contract with Clallam YMCA

The Port Townsend City Council voted 7-0 Monday night to enter into a contract with the YMCA for city recreational services. The council voted to… Continue reading

Sequim: Schizophrenic weather challenges town’s reputation

SEQUIM -- Someone better alert the weather police to be on duty during the rest of the 107th Irrigation Festival, lest Sequim's most famous law… Continue reading

Sequim: Students to attend national history contest

SEQUIM -- Seven students from Sequim schools earned the right to compete in a national history contest in Washington, D.C., with first- or second-place finishes… Continue reading

Jefferson: Shooting death shines light on county’s domestic abuse problems

Domestic violence situations like the one that apparently led to a fatal shooting in Quilcene last week have been on the rise in Jefferson County,… Continue reading

Port Angeles: Business leaders concerned over possible $3 immigration fee on ferries

Port Angeles business leaders fear a federally proposed $3 user fee on ferry passengers from Victoria could have a dramatic effect on the Peninsula's tourist-driven… Continue reading

Port Angeles: Custodial, para-educator, secretarial layoffs still expected

PORT ANGELES -- School district secretarial, para-educator and custodial workers will be laid off to help the district cover a $1.7 million budget deficit in… Continue reading

Port Angeles: District officials say vacancies, personnel shifts will save teacher layoffs

PORT ANGELES -- School officials say enough resignations, retirements and contract expirations are in hand to spare the school district from having to fire teachers… Continue reading

Port Angeles: Race relations task force meeting Wednesday

A task force looking into recent Coast Guard complaints of racism will meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday to discuss the incidents and how the community… Continue reading

To our www.peninsuladailynews.com readers

Today is the day the spring/summer North Olympic Peninsula Newcomers' and Visitors' Guide makes its debut. The 120-page Guide is the Peninsula's largest, and with… Continue reading

Ferry operators wary of new Canadian insurance requirement

Ferry owners offering service to Canadian seaports fear new insurance coverage required by Ottawa will jeopardize their businesses. Canada's Marine Liability Act, passed last August,… Continue reading

Port Angeles: Ferry passengers from Victoria may have to pay $3 fee to government

The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service wants to collect a $3 fee from almost everyone crossing the border aboard a commercial passenger boat, including those… Continue reading

Port Angeles: Skills center design work under way

PORT ANGELES -- Future discussions will take place on the architecture of a planned business incubator and skills center in an effort to give the… Continue reading

Port Angeles: Some frequent fliers are hitting the road

Dan Wilder does not like the three-hour drive to Sea-Tac International Airport that looms each time he has to catch a flight. But the Port… Continue reading

Port Townsend: Port officials want to rezone Point Hudson

PORT TOWNSEND -- Port of Port Townsend officials want to rezone Point Hudson because its manufacturing designation is "not right or executable." The Port filed… Continue reading

Smiles warm Sequim Irrigation Festival’s cool start

SEQUIM -- Sunny smiles from children marching in their parade or taking part in other Festival on the Field activities Saturday helped take the chill… Continue reading

Where to send comments

The Immigration and Naturalization Service is accepting input on the proposed $3 immigration fee until May 24. The fee would be applied to all ferry… Continue reading

Diamond Point: Planning Commission delays rezoning airport

DIAMOND POINT -- The Clallam County Planning Commission has delayed consideration of the proposed rezoning of Diamond Point Airport. Commissioners met this week to consider… Continue reading