PORT ANGELES — Port Angeles School District Superintendent Marty Brewer will continue weekly virtual luncheon chats at noon on Fridays through Sept. 25.
This week Brewer will be joined by Michelle Olsen from Teaching and Learning.
The informal chats will stream on the Zoom internet meeting platform.
The chats will provide an opportunity to hear district updates, provide comments and ask questions.
Future guests include Pam Sanford, Special Services, Sept. 11; Lisa Joslin, Career and Technical Education and Nathan Redahl, Music, Sept. 18; and Dwayne Johnson, Washington Interscholastic Activities Association, Sept. 25.
Participants must register in advance at www.tinyurl.com/PDN-Luncheon-Chat.
For more information, call Jennifer Sperline at 360-565-3703 or email jsperline@portangelesschools.org.