PORT ANGELES — The Magic of Cinema film series starts Friday with “Patriot Guard Riders.”
The film tells the story of motorcyclists who travel to the funerals of young service members killed in action.
Director on hand
Its director, veteran documentarian Ellen Frick of Port Townsend, will be on hand for a question-and-answer session after the 7 p.m. screening.
“Patriot Guard Riders” is the first in the “Moveable Fest,” a six-week series of movies selected from this past September’s Port Townsend Film Festival.
Festival highlights
Also slated are these festival highlights: “Koran by Heart” on Feb. 10, “The Last of Us” on Feb. 17, “These Amazing Shadows” on Feb. 24, “Journey of the Wild Coast” on March 2 and “Inuk” on March 9.
Each movie will start at 7 p.m. in the new Maier Performance Hall, which is in the southeast corner of the Peninsula College campus at 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd.
Free for students
For most screenings, admission is $5 for the general public or free for Peninsula College students with identification.
The movie “Koran by Heart,” however, will have no admission charge Feb. 10.
For more details, check the Peninsula Daily News in the coming weeks; visit www.PenCol.edu; or phone the college at 360-452-9277.