PORT ANGELES — Children younger than 18 can get free meals this summer, courtesy of the federal Department of Agriculture and the Port Angeles School District.
Breakfast and lunch are provided daily at Franklin Elementary School for all children, even those not enrolled in summer school.
Breakfast is served from 7:30 a.m. to 8 a.m. daily; lunch is from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Preregistration is not necessary.
Parents who wish to eat with their children may purchase breakfast for $1.50 and lunch for $2.50.
For questions about meal service call 360-457-8575. After July 9, call 360-457-9111.
Fire flares up
PORT ANGELES –A Fey Road fire flared up again Thursday, but firefighters contained it with shovels.
Thursday’s flare up developed under trees north of the original blaze at 4125 Fey Road.
The fire, which began Wednesday, is believed to have been started by a discarded cigarette, officials said.
Flames 50 feet high burned junk cars on the lot Wednesday. Several gas tanks on the vehicles reportedly exploded, officials said.
Summer school starts
PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles School District Summer School Program begins July 9 and runs through Aug. 3.
Registration forms are available from the school district office at 216 E. Fourth St. in Port Angeles
Students are encouraged to sign up for the four week session even if they may need to miss a few days due to pre-arranged vacation plans.
Elementary level classes will be at Franklin Elementary School, 2505 S. Washington St. Secondary level classes will be at Port Angeles High School, 304 E. Park St., building 400.
Those interested may call the district office at 360-457-8575, or the Clallam County YMCA at 360-452-9244.