Open burning has been banned in all of Clallam County and in most of Jefferson County.
The ban includes campfires, fire officials said.
Logging has also been halted.
Property owners are urged to cut grass and keep tree limbs and weeds away from structures.
“Property maintenance right now is critical,”‘ Clallam County Fire Marshal Jerry E. Hight said.
Dry, overgrown grass, weeds, dead trees and piled debris should be kept down or cleared, he said.
“That’s fire fuel,” Hight said.
Fire departments are actively following up on complaints of fire hazards, officials said.
Logging was halted because the moisture content is below 30 percent.
Fire officials said the logging and burn ban will remain in effect until the moisture content increases.
The burn ban is not in effect in Jefferson County Fire District No. 7, which borders the ocean on the West End, officials said.