PORT ANGELES — Peninsula College will host its 57th commencement ceremony on Saturday when it awards degrees and certificates to 574 students.
Commencement exercises are on the south lawn of the main campus in Port Angeles, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., starting at 2 p.m.; a reception will immediately follow.
Speakers include Dwayne Johnson, board of trustees chairman, and David Harvey, student body vice president.
Guests are advised to arrive early and line up near the entry to Keegan Hall on the west side of campus. The Pirate Café will be open with hot and cold beverages and snacks.
Doors will open at 1 p.m. and admission is limited to those with tickets.
At 2 p.m., all guests will be admitted to the venue to fill remaining seats or to stand to watch the ceremony.
By the numbers
• Total number of graduates: 490 (239 signed up to walk as of Monday).
• Total number of degrees, certificates awarded (not including GEDs): 574.
• Bachelor of Arts and Science: 17.
• Associate in Arts: 256.
• Associate in Arts Honors: 3.
• Associate in Science: 13.
• Associate in Science Honors: 2.
• Associate in Business: 5.
• Associate in Nursing: 28.
• Associate in Applied Science (transfer): 48.
• Associate in Applied Science: 103.
• Certificates: 38.