New officers have been elected for the Democrat and Republican parties for Clallam and Jefferson counties.
The Clallam County Democratic Central Committee elected a new chairwoman, Pat Johansen of Sequim, earlier this month.
Johansen succeeds Matthew Randazzo, who headed the county committee for the past two years.
Johansen is a lifelong Democrat who previously held leadership positions in state and local party organizations in Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina and California.
During the past two years, she served the Clallam County Democrats as state committeewoman.
After her election Jan. 5, Johansen acknowledged Randazzo’s work in establishing the party’s new headquarters in downtown Port Angeles and in working toward a merger of the Central Committee and the County Democratic Club.
Elected with Johansen were Roger Fight of Sequim, vice chairman; Julie Johnson of Neah Bay, state committeewoman; Joe McGimpsey of Neah Bay, state committeeman; Kris Grier of Port Angeles, treasurer; John Marrs of Port Angeles, recording secretary; and Derek Medina of Port Angeles, corresponding secretary.
Trustees on the county executive board are Sylvia Hancock, Barbara Jepson and Steve Vause, District 1; Ed Grier, Leroy Martin and Nina Richards, District 2; and Patsy Feeley, Linda Middleton and Ron Johnson Jr., District 3.
Party members also adopted a resolution urging Sen. Patty Murray, D-Bothell, and Rep. Derek Kilmer, D-Gig Harbor, to continue the campaign in Congress to pass the Wild Olympics Wilderness and Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 2012.
The Clallam County Republican Party re-elected Dick Pilling as chairman Dec. 3.
It is Pilling’s third two-year term.
Virginia O’Donnell of Port Angeles was elected vice chairwoman.
Micah Dilts of Sequim was elected committeeman, and Sue Forde of Sequim was elected state committeewoman.
Dilts succeeded Dave Cummins, Pilling said, while Forde succeeded Terry Schwiethale.
Forde was appointed secretary, while Kaj Ahlberg of Port Angeles was named treasurer.
Elected officers for the Clallam County Republican Party serve two-year terms, Pilling said.
Jefferson County
All the members of the Jefferson County Democrats’ executive board were re-elected for 2013 on Dec. 8 and will serve one-year terms.
They are George Yount, chairman; Linda Abbott Roe, vice chairwoman; Ron Hayes, treasurer; Clara Mason, recording secretary; Claire Roney, state committeewoman; and Bill Miller, state committeeman.
The Jefferson County Republican Central Committee elected officers Dec. 8.
Elected to the executive committee by precinct officers were Gene Farr, chairman; Carrie Hosfeldt, vice chairwoman; Arthur Hosfeldt, treasurer; Sunday Pace, state committeewoman; and Larry Hovde, state committeeman.
Dan Youra was appointed secretary.