At an event last fall celebrating the arrival of a fiber-optic line from Silverdale to Joyce, Forks City Attorney Rod Fleck issued a challenge to complete the fiber-optic loop around the Olympic Peninsula this year.
It appears that challenge will be met.
On Thursday, a state board approved $1.7 million for the installation of fiber-optic cable to fill the “Sappho Gap.”‘
The gap — a 26-mile missing link between broadband communication networks on Clallam County’s west and east sides — is considered a barrier to business development on the North Olympic Peninsula.
Officials said completing the gap will be a major victory for economic development.
Of 29 applications for the $5 million fund, the state Community Economic Revitalization Board chose five projects Thursday.
The $1.7 million for Sappho Gap was the largest single project.
This full report appears in the Friday/Saturday Clallam County edition of the Peninsula Daily News, now on sale. Or click on “Subscribe” at left to order your copy via U.S. mail.