PORT ANGELES — Coast Guard Group Port Angeles will host the Clallam County Veterans Association annual Veterans Day ceremony at 10:30 a.m. Friday.
This year’s ceremony will feature actor John Amos, who has appeared in “Roots,” “The West Wing” and “Die Hard 2,” as the keynote speaker.
Amos is in Port Angeles to appear in the one-man play “Halley’s Comet” on Friday at Port Angeles High School.
The Veterans Day event is open to the public. Veterans are encouraged to attend.
The front gate at the end of Ediz Hook will open at 9:30 a.m. Parking is limited and ridesharing is encouraged.
Military performances will include the Air Force Honor Guard, Marine Corps Silent Drill Team and the Coast Guard Port Angeles Honor Guard.
Performances also will include the Port Angeles High School Band, the Straits Men’s Barbershop Chorus, Grand Olympics Chorus of Sweet Adeline’s International and Don Alward.
From 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., the high school band will perform the pre-ceremony martial music and the Ladies of VFW Post 1024 Auxiliary will serve refreshments.
This is the 10th consecutive year that Group Port Angeles has been designated by the Department of Veterans Affairs as the regional Veterans Day observance site.
For more information, call Lt. j.g. Steve Mahany at 360-417-5842.
Hadlock VFW Post
The Port Hadlock Veterans of Foreign Wars post will hold an open house from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at 31 Matheson St.
There will be coffee, cookies and a chance for veterans to talk.
For more information, call post Commander Pat Bowen at 360-437-9346.
Girl Scout ‘thank you’
Girl Scout Troop 59 will be hosting its third annual “Thank You Celebration” for all veterans and current members of the military from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Friday.
The Girl Scouts will be holding the get-together at the Girl Scout House, 838 Tyler St., Port Townsend.
There will be a flag ceremony, singing of patriotic songs, displays of artwork and recitation of poems written by the girls.
Refreshments will include coffee and dessert attendees. The Girl Scouts look forward to talking with service men and women of the past and the present.
For more information, contact Sabrina Hathaway at 360-437-9653 in the evenings, or e-mail hathaway@cablespeed.com.