PORT ANGELES — Three members of Peninsula Woodworkers Club have made American flag display cases for the families of victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
The cases, made by Port Angeles residents Donn Dancer, Avon Miller and Gary Johnson, will be delivered to New York and New Jersey to be presented to families.
Fourteen cases made of ash, western red alder and maple have been completed and are ready to be shipped. Eleven more cases are being made.
The local effort is part of a nationwide Woodworkers United for America campaign to make flag cases for each victim of the attacks.
Dancer, 58, said local woodworkers agreed to make cases to honor the people and families whose lives were taken or changed by the attacks.
“Even though we are separated by thousands of miles, we can do something,” he said.
The rest of this story appears in the Wednesday Peninsula Daily News. Click on SUBSCRIBE to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.