PORT ANGELES — A class on photojournalism is being offered this fall at Peninsula College.
Through hands-on activities and assignments, students learn the skills of telling a story through single images and multi-image photo stories.
Taught by veteran photographer Rich Riski, the 10-week, five-unit class “will emphasize collaboration, feature and news judgment, ethics, editing and fieldwork.
“Great prep for Web design, meaningful holiday gifts and professional freelance photography.
“Principles applicable to all photo communications, including video.”
The class will meet from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesdays beginning Sept. 24.
Cost is approximately $250, depending on the student’s financial aid status.
Students can use a variety of digital cameras, cellphone, point-and-shoot; they will be best served by using a digital SLR camera and USB drive for photo storage.
Enrollment in the class must be made by this coming Friday, Sept. 13.
To enroll, phone Peninsula College at 360-417-6340 or 877-452-9277, or visit www.pencol.edu (click on “Admissions”).
For more information, email rriski@pencol.edu.