SEQUIM — An array of preventive measures are being considered to counter loitering and alleged low-level criminal activity in the area surrounding the new Sequim Transit Center.
City offices are located on a block of Cedar Street, as well as the main Clallam Transit bus stop and the Sequim Museum and Arts Center. City meetings are held in the transit center.
It’s also a popular hangout for young people. Residents and business owners have been complaining — and documenting — activities they consider undesirable.
“That has traditionally been a long-term irritant for that neighborhood,” Police Chief Robert Spinks said.
“This has been a festering issue, probably since buses started coming there.
“We have had neighbors point out on videotape what they believe are low-level narcotics transactions,” as well as vandalism, traffic complaints and intimidation of bus patrons, Spinks said.
“The buses come in and go out, and those people are still there,” he said. “They’re not using the center or the buses.”
Behavior on videotape
There’s even a videotape of a young man urinating on a city street even though the transit center has public restrooms available.