PORT ANGELES — The Boys & Girls Club staff hope to win big by losing big.
Following in the footsteps of the Sequim unit of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula, the Mount Angeles unit’s staff will run a weight loss contest with the help of Port Angeles gym Anytime Fitness.
Whichever club wins will have bragging rights, said George Rodes, the Port Angeles unit director.
The challenge is also a fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club.
“We are trying to rally support, and people can donate to the club in support of us or they can give us so many dollars for each pound we lose,” Rodes said.
And as for a prize for the one to lose the most?
Being more fit and healthy is prize enough, Rodes said, not to mention the example the winner sets for the children who visit the club daily.
“We want to model good habits for them,” Rodes said.