PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles City Council delayed approving its six-year capital facilities and transportation improvement plan last week after debating whether the city has the means to pay for it.
The plan, called a “wish list” by staff, is a prioritized list of about 150 projects.
City Councilman Brad Collins argued Tuesday that the plan should be trimmed down to avoid overspending.
“Our budget keeps rolling along,” he said. “Our capital budget is leading the way.”
Glenn Cutler, city public works and utilities director, noted that none of the projects is guaranteed funding. He said they must be in the plan to receive grant funding.
Collins said the plan still “sets the tone” for how many projects get placed in the budget, which the council will approve in December.
He argued that the dollar amount for utility infrastructure projects should be reduced by
20 percent in order to “hold the line” on utility rates.
The other council members agreed on reducing the amount by 15 percent, though not all shared his point of view.
“You pay now or you pay later,” said Deputy Mayor Don Perry, noting that delaying water pipe replacements may cost the city more in the long run.
The council will consider approval of the plan July 5.
Projects listed as priorities include street paving, replacement of utility poles, Olympic Discovery Trail repairs, waterfront redevelopment, Race Street bicycle lanes and Valley Creek restoration.
Reporter Tom Callis can be reached at 360-417-3532 or at tom.callis@peninsuladailynews.com.