PORT ANGELES — A special City Council meeting today should include the first public discussion by council members of the “hostile work environment” issues raised by City Manager Mark Madsen in his resignation.
Even though he voluntarily resigned, his employment contract guarantees Madsen at least $37,000 in severance.
No public comment will be allowed at today’s special council meeting.
It begins in the council chambers at City Hall, 321 E. Fifth St., at 4:30 p.m.
The council hall seats about 100 people.
Asked if a formal statement had been worked out for today’s meeting, Mayor Gary Braun said:
“We haven’t formulated anything — that is exactly what we’ll be doing at the meeting.
“We can’t do that behind closed doors.”
Braun said Friday that he couldn’t talk about Madsen’s severance package.
“That is something that has been talked about in executive session,” he said.
“Eventually that is something that would have to be handled in open session.”
At today’s meeting, the council also plans to accept Madsen’s July 9 resignation from his $148,000-a-year job.
Madsen initially started as city manager making $105,000 per year beginning in October 2005.
He received several pay increases from the council, including a $20,000 jump in 2007.