PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles City Council has asked City Attorney Bill Bloor to bring them a draft resolution to limit what the public can say during the public comment period.
The resolution will include limits on comments to “subjects within the jurisdiction and scope of authority of the City Council,” said Bloor’s recommendation, presented to the council on Tuesday.
It also says that no personal attacks on council members, staff or others will be allowed.
The motion to have Bloor return with a resolution at the next meeting passed with a 6-0 vote, with council member Karen Rogers abstaining.
“Because I solely am the one who has been attacked, I prefer not to comment,” she said.
Although she didn’t specify when she was attacked during public comment, at the previous meeting, on Sept. 2, Port Angeles resident Ed Tuttle called for her resignation based on what he called a conflict of interest between her work as a business consultant and her position on the City Council.
At that time, council member Larry Williams left the room in protest.
Said council member Don Perry on Tuesday: “I’ve expressed my view on this before, and I would prefer to eliminate the comment altogether, but if we have a public comment period, my preference would be [this language],” he said alluding to the materials submitted by Bloor at the meeting.
Council member Cherie Kidd agreed.
“I think this is well warranted,” she said.
“I don’t care who the attacks are directed at, there is no reason for personal attacks.”