PORT ANGELES — The three Dolphin helicopters stationed at Air Station Port Angeles had flight instruments and navigation equipment upgraded last April and are awaiting new engines.
The engine upgrades will take place in June, said Group Commander Capt. Mark D’Andrea.
“A couple of stations have already switched over,” D’Andrea said.
“Our turn is next spring.”
In the past year, there haven’t been any unusual engine troubles on the three helicopters designed for fast response, D’Andrea said.
“We just have the normal problems you have with highly technical machines,” he said.
Previously, the helicopters have experienced difficulties while cruising but pilots were able to return home safely.
In response to concerns about engine malfunctions, Air Station Port Angeles has instructed pilots to pay closer attention to weight because that can affect performance if the craft were to experience power problems.
The primary way of adjusting weight is through fuel load, said Lt. Jason Gelfand, a Dolphin pilot at Air Station Port Angeles.