PORT ANGELES — City residents are invited to participate in comprehensive plan update workshops slated for today, Wednesday and Thursday.
Port Angeles’ comprehensive plan establishes long-range policies for nearly everything the city does, including land use, parks, transportation, housing and other services, according to a news release.
The update process is set to begin today with a drop-in headquarters downtown and two workshops, to let residents ask questions and share opinions.
The following workshops have been scheduled:
■ Today, Wednesday and Thursday, there will be “Storefront Studios” from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the former Maurice’s building at Laurel and First streets. These all-day events allow residents to drop by when it’s convenient to view exhibits, talk with consultants and city staff, and share thoughts about the city’s future.
■ A public workshop will be held today from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Elwha Heritage Center, 410 E. First St. This workshop will outline the city’s existing vision and plan policies, asking participants to review and suggest revisions.
■ A public workshop will be held Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center, 905 W. Ninth St. Like today’s workshop, this event will outline existing vision and plan policies, seeking input on revisions for the update.
“The city needs its citizens’ input to build the best foundation for our community’s future,” said Nathan West, city director of planning and economic development.
“We hope that many will attend these workshops to provide their vision and thoughts about the city’s future and the policies that will guide city decision-making for the next 20 years.”
The state Growth Management Act mandates the development of comprehensive plans and also requires them to be updated periodically.
The update is being led by Studio Cascade Inc., a Spokane-based planning firm that also provided oversight on the city’s 2010 waterfront plan.
More information is available on the project’s website at www.pa-compplan.