PORT ANGELES — Proposed changes to the city’s sign code will go before the City Council on Tuesday at 6 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall, located at 321 E. Fifth St.
The council set the special meeting to act on the sign code changes so it could consider testimony given at its Aug. 20 regular meeting.
Currently, the city has a downtown sign code as well as sign regulations contained in its zoning code.
The city is merging those two codes to make regulations more “user-friendly” and easier to follow, according to Community Development Director Brad Collins.
A half-dozen people, including at least one who worked on the proposed changes, addressed the council at the Aug. 20 meeting. Two residents opposed some of the changes.
The two biggest changes affect billboards and “sandwich board,” or A-frame, signs.
Most billboards in the city are in the commercial arterial zone and two industrial zones. Billboards aren’t allowed if the property already has on-premise signs.
The rest of the story appears in the Monday Peninsula Daily News. Click on SUBSCRIBE to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.