PORT ANGELES – A proposed electricity rate increase averaging 19.5 percent will be the subject of a City Council public hearing at 6 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall, 321 E. Fifth St. A Sept. 18 public hearing was continued to allow more comment on the proposal.
The rate increase proposal maintains the basic charge at $11 per month. The energy charge would rise from 3.85 cents per kilowatt-hour to 4.75 percent per kilowatt-hour.
Under the proposal, a Port Angeles resident using 1,500 kilowatt-hours a month would see his electric bill rise from $68.75 a month to $82.25, or about 19.6 percent.
A residential customer using 500 kilowatt hours a month currently paying $30.25 would pay $34.75, a 14.87 percent increase. A 1,000 kilowatt hour customer’s bill would increase from $49.50 to $58.50, a 18.18 percent increase.
This entire report appears in today’s Peninsula Daily News, on sale throughout Clallam and Jefferson counties. Click onto “Subscribe” to get your PDN delivered to your home or office.