PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Downtown Association is in compliance with its contract with the city of Port Angeles, though there is room for improvement, City Hall has found.
City Manager Kent Myers and Finance Director Yvonne Ziomkowski unveiled the findings of a review of the downtown business group to the City Council on Tuesday.
The review was prompted by a petition signed by 81 PADA members.
The petition, started by antique shop owner Don Zeller, requested that the city review whether the downtown business organization is meeting its contracted obligations.
Zeller started the petition over frustration with PADA’s leadership, which he believes is ineffective and doesn’t properly listen to its membership.
The city allocates $20,000 a year to PADA through its contract.
The report found that the group has not violated the terms of its agreement with the city.
The contract states that PADA must maintain membership in the state’s Main Street program, maintain downtown parking lots, improve the physical appearance of the area and promote economic development.
It also found that its financial records are in order, though Ziomkowski noted there could be better oversight of the group’s petty cash and approval of expenses.
But the city did make recommendations on how the group can be better run.
They include holding meetings at least once a year with all PADA members, relocating regular meetings to a larger location to allow more members to attend, taking advantage of state business and occupation tax credits for Main Street members and better assessing the impact of events on businesses.
“Overall, the audit was very positive,” Ziomkowski said.
Zeller said he was glad to see the report give the association a clean bill of health and noted that its recommendations should help give members a greater voice, his biggest concern.
“We’ll just keep on keeping on, and hopefully, they will listen,” he said.
PADA Executive Director Barb Frederick said the recommendations will be considered.
“It’s nothing that can’t be accommodated,” she said.
Frederick said the report came out the way she expected and added that she hopes petitioners get more involved with the group.
As a Main Street organization, PADA is directed to improve downtown, support businesses and recruit new ones, according to its contract with the city.
Reporter Tom Callis can be reached at 360-417-3532 or at tom.callis@peninsuladailynews.com.