PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Downtown Association has become the latest business group to question the city’s proposed internal reorganization plan that includes folding land use planning under economic development.
The 210-member business organization sent a letter Dec. 1 to Mayor Richard Headrick and the City Council asking for a separate public hearing on the reorganization plan.
Under the proposed reorganization plan:
* Parks and Recreation Director Marc Connelly would become parks manager, one of four people reporting to Glenn Cutler, director of public works and utilities.
The other three are engineering services manager Gary Kenworthy; power resources manager Scott McLain; and operations manager Mike Puntenney, who would take over parks maintenance duties.
The recreational manager position, which has been vacant since April, would be eliminated.
* The economic development director position, formerly held by Tim Smith, who retired last week (see Page D3), would be merged with the community development director position.
Brad Collins, currently the community development director, would become the planning manager, reporting to the new community and economic development director.
Discussion scheduled
The proposal is scheduled for discussion at Tuesday’s City Council meeting during a public hearing on the 2005 city budget.
The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the council chambers of City Hall, 321 E. Fifth St. Public hearings begin at 7 p.m.