PORT ANGELES — The Gilchrist family of Port Angeles won a new Toyota truck, the top prize at the 20th annual Duck Derby Sunday.
The family of five labeled themselves “J. Gilchrist” on their ticket because all of their names begin with J, Jan Gilchrist, the mother of three boys said after finding out they were the winners.
She said her husband, Jim, and their three sons, Jacob, Jeremy and Joshua, would put the truck to good use.
“There are five of us, so it won’t have a problem getting used,” she said.
Although Jan said the family has entered the derby many times, she said they never had won a prize and had only one duck in Sunday’s race of 30,447 ducks.
“Usually our boys go down and volunteer,” Jan said.
“This is the first year we haven’t had someone down at the site when the winners were announced.
“But we are pretty darn excited.”
In the next few days, Bruce Skinner, executive director of the Olympic Medical Center Foundation, said he would contact the family and talk to them about how to claim their pickup, which was donated by Wilder Toyota.
The Duck Derby benefits the OMC Foundation and the Sequim Rotary Club.