PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Food Bank has received a $3,000 donation from Molina Healthcare of Washington, which allowed it to provide “Break Bags” for students on the school lunch program to take home for the winter school break.
The bags contain fresh produce, milk, eggs, meat, bread, cereal and other pantry staples, and were assembled by Olympic Kiwanis volunteers.
Emily Dexter, the food bank’s director, commented that “this gift is made even more exciting because it combines perfectly with a $9,000 grant just awarded by the Albert Haller Foundation to also help feed hungry children.”
The two grants will not only fund the winter break bags, but also will fund the existing Friday Food Bag program into the summer, making it year-round.
Dexter added: “Expansion of the Friday Food Bag supplemental food program through the year had been on our radar and now is possible thanks to the generosity of both The Albert Haller Foundation and Molina Healthcare of Washington.”
The food bank is working with the Boys and Girls Club to develop a summer distribution plan for the Friday Food Bags.