PORT ANGELES — Tickets are still available for Celebration of America: A Tribute to Public Safety, scheduled for 7 p.m. Saturday at Port Angeles High School.
Reserved seating is $5 per ticket, with proceeds benefiting construction of a monument honoring Clallam County public safety workers at Francis Street Park.
The event will take place in the school’s auditorium, 304 E. Park Ave.
Tickets are available at KONP radio, ASM Signs, RE/MAX Performance Team, Port Book and News and all First Federal Savings and Loan locations.
Organizers say the Celebration of America will include performances by The Sweet Adelines, The Strait Mens Chorus and Port Angeles Light Opera Association.
Color guards, bagpipes, story tellers and a video presentation also will highlight the evening, according to Alan Barnard, one of the event organizers.
The proposed monument will recognize not just those killed or injured, but those who completed a career in public safety in this county, he said.
The committee’s goal is to complete the monument by Sept. 11, but construction won’t begin until enough money is raised, Barnard said.
The money is being raised through Nor’wester Rotary so donations will be tax-deductible.
Checks can be made payable to “Public Safety Tribute.”
Cost estimates for the monument have not yet been completed.