PORT ANGELES — A group of public health officials and medical professionals has restarted a campaign to fluoridate the city’s water.
The group contends the action will improve dental health and reduce hospital emergency room visits for dental problems.
Group members took their message to a meeting of the City Council’s Utility Advisory Committee, which recommended the council hold a public hearing on the issue during its Feb. 18 meeting.
“I’m here because of the kids I see,” pediatrician Dr. Steve Chapman said. “This is a problem with a solution staring us in the face.”
When Chapman performs pre-surgery physicals on children, he sees rotting teeth, abscesses and other serious dental problems that can be reduced by adding fluoride to the city’s water supply, he said.
The rest of the story appears in the Thursday Peninsula Daily News. Click on SUBSCRIBE at the top of this page to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.