PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles High School orchestras came away winners from last weekend’s Northwest Orchestra Festival at Mount Hood Community College in Gresham, Ore.
The symphonic orchestra and the chamber orchestra won first-place trophies at the event.
“This is the first-ever win for the symphonic group at the Northwest Orchestra Festival,” said Ron Jones, the high school’s orchestra director.
‘Set a goal to win’
“At the conclusion of last year’s festival, the students set a goal to win this year,” he said.
“They initiated extra after-school sectional rehearsals and increased their individual practice time, all directed at achieving the highest level of performance.
“It paid off when they outscored Milwaukee [Ore.] High School in the finals Saturday night.”
The concert orchestra — comprising all freshmen — also placed third in its division.
Schools competed from Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
The chamber orchestra returned to the top of its division after placing second last year.
They bested Lakeside School of Seattle in the finals.